Romance of the Three Kingdom 11: Review

Fans of the series of step -by -step wargams Romance of Three Kingdoms – Not just any strategies lovers there. They are strategists with the prefix "True". With the prefix "Hardcore". But even more outstanding people – company employees Koei, which makes these games. While other developers are chasing profit and turn their creations into popcorn entertainment, Koei demonstrates a completely different approach. Games from Koei – It’s something like a closed event "For their own". Only a real connoisseur can go there.

Romance of Three Kingdoms XI is not friends with simple mortals. And ordinary mortals will not be able to make friends with this game – the fault of everything is incredibly deep, complex, measured and for many just a boring gameplay. The only training campaign is able to scare away any beginner – it lasts several hours.

The main task of the player is to become the undivided ruler of China (200-100. D.n.e.). Accordingly, in each campaign you must capture all the cities that on the map, no more, no less, more than forty. Diplomatic relations here do not play a big role – everyone has to take rude force.

There are several resources in the game: gold, food, military and weapons. A certain number of squares is fixed outside the city, on each of which one building can be built. The markets increase income, farms produce food, the military live in barracks, grow horses in stables, and weapons are made in the forge. Accordingly, you will have to bring the reserves of gold and food in the settlement to the proper level, make a sufficient amount of weapons of the right type, and, in addition, train their soldiers so that they can give a worthy fight in battle. For each of these actions, there are officers in the game – they need to give "Correct" work, by abilities. For all your actions related to the development of cities, you get "Technique Points", which can be spent on improvements for military units.

You will have a good half hour to develop the city. In the same way you will have to work on your other settlements. Only after all this can you go on a hike with a calm soul. Oh yes, do not forget to supply your detachments with a sufficient amount of food before this. As well as gold, in case you want to build a fortification or trap.

But do not be afraid that from all this the temperature of your brain will come to the boiling point – here this simply cannot happen. Everything is too measured here – often the picture from the course to the go does not change at all. You will be annoyed by a turtle with the speed of event – even virtuoso strategists leave about a hundred hours to complete one conquest.

In order to diversify the slowness of what is happening, Koei I inserted a duel mode in the game. Duels take place between officers of two warring detachments and are a kind of cheerful colorful step -by -step playing game.

The graphic performance of Romance of Three Kingdoms XI causes ambiguous feelings. There is nothing to reproach the engine from the console to reproach the engine – he gives out more or less tolerable landscapes. The rest, at least, will surprise the stranger with the player’s series. The armies are represented in the form of a clot of small springs that do not resemble great warriors at all. The clashes of these figures look very similar to the video of some Japanese animated series. And at the same time, the developers constantly remind that their goal is to recreate serious events from the history of China.

Fortunately, the local soundtrack does not suffer infantility. On the contrary, it is these one and a half dozen epic compositions that save a gamer from sleep throughout the game. From other positive points, it is worth noting the interface, which, compared with the previous part of the series, has become more understandable.

The deepest gameplay is the main plus and at the same time the main minus Romance of the Three Kingdoms XI. If you can’t stand the spirit of high -luminous strategies, then the entire gameplay will turn into an endless struggle with sleep for you.

Pros: Interesting setting;Great soundtrack.
Cons: controversial visual performance;complex in development and requires decent time.

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